The vision of this Fine Arts Curriculum is to provide educational opportunities in Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts and to ensure the whole development of every student. Our vision stresses that a Fine Arts Education must be offered to every student, integrated in all disciplines and provide opportunities to make educated decisions regarding Fine Arts.
FINE ARTS MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Fine Arts Curriculum of the Diocese of Trenton is to develop opportunities for students to experience creative process and product through which they may discover and enrich personal creativity and identity. It also seeks to foster an appreciation for historical, cultural and religious influences on the artwork of humankind through Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts.
FINE ARTS CURRICULUM OVERVIEW The Diocese of Trenton Fine Arts Curriculum Guidelines, K-12, provides an effective, sequential and comprehensive instructional program in all aspects of Fine Arts including Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts. For the purposes of this Fine Arts Curriculum the following descriptions reflect the contents of these guidelines:
Dance is a kinesthetic art form that encourages individuality and creativity, which helps students become well-rounded, culturally aware and sensitive to the arts.
Music is an aural form of expression through which individuals and groups may express, respond to, interact with and influence society.
Theatre is an interactive art form that enhances multiple intelligences and all curricula through creativity and imagination by experiencing the elements and principles of theatre.
Visual Arts is a spatial art form that incorporates visual expression and communication to record ideas that influence and reflect society.
PURPOSE AND GOALS The purpose of the Fine Arts Diocesan Curriculum Guidelines is to teach Fine Arts literacy in accordance with Catholic values and to promote intellectual, moral and aesthetic growth and development of students. The foundation of this curriculum is to stimulate creativity, imagination and originality. That is met by developing students’ knowledge, skills and techniques that are essential for quality work in Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts.
The goals are designed to help educators develop curriculum and instruction in the arts so that all students will meet or exceed the outcome standards in Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts. Students are expected to accomplish the following goals:
create, participate, and perform in the arts
explore the arts through history, world cultures and religion